In my old post " you are who you are " i pointed out a few things, we often ignored about ourselves as Christians. Our value or importance in Christ and even in life. One fact we ought to know is that we all are children of the Most High God and therefore, inherit the blessings that come from the Father. In Him and with Him, all things are possible and we can do all things through Him. In 2 Corinthians 3:18 ..."And we ... are being transformed into His likeness with ever increasing glory which comes from the Lord, who is in the Spirit..." there is the assurance of increasing Glory, victory and success. You hold the power to Grow in glory, therefore there is no room for failure. If you understand this, and if you believe, there is nothing to fear.
Detox the Do's and Who's
The Do's and Who's, our Habits, our thoughts and even the people around us. We lose focus on what is necessary and accommodate our negative actions and thoughts. This may be the new beginning for you and probably in a new direction away from what you are comfortable with. Mind you, "Great things never came from Comfort zones" so do not be scared to embrace the change. The change begins within your mindset and thoughts. Clear your mind off negative thoughts, renew your mind with the things that edify and renew your spirit. Certain habits like procrastination, or laziness, just to mention a few must go. Stay away from the things and people that add no value to you.
Surround yourself with Positivity
Don't be scared to walk away from the "drama" as we call it. Take measures to create positive vibes around you. Make the Bible your go-to book, read novels or books that inspire and motivate you. The music we listen to these days are sometimes contaminated with foul words and can only be depressing, so why not try something different? Lets do more of the inspirational and uplifting songs with positive lyrics. Take a well deserved break from anything that stresses you out. You need a sound mind to embrace the new you!
Identify your Strengths and Work on them
We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us Romans 12:6-8 . These talents and gifts were planted in us for use and for His glory. They are not to be hidden. You are wrong if you are thinking that the only talent you were blessed with is singing, just because you have a great voice, or it is dancing, just because you cam move with the beat. There is a lot more in you, waiting to be discovered. Listen to yourself more,and be more observant, you would notice the things you do great in, you would notice the things you are complimented on mostly. Identify them, and when you do, work on them. Get all the assistance and help you can get to develop it. Get close to those who have been there before and can help you get through. Read more on them, practice more, but more importantly, you must seek honest opinions from others. This is when a lot of people give up, but don't be counted as one of them. The reviews may be disheartening and very discouraging, but take them as helpful criticism. It can only get better.
Try New Things, Be Adventurous
Break the ice, get out of your comfort zone and try out new things. As stated earlier, you are not limited in the blessings and gifts from God. He said, "As far as your eyes can see, I will give to you..." that promise applies to you too. If you were never comfortable standing before a crowd and speaking, start now. You never know where your leadership or counseling skill will begin to show. If you have never led a worship team, then this may be your chance. You are a worshiper in the waiting. Sometimes, all you would ever need is that first try. God will lead you if you let him. Do not be confined within your strengths.
Bless the world with it
You might have discovered a lot by now. Praise God for that! Remember, these gifts were given to you for a purpose and all to His Glory. Enjoy it, Have fun and help others. If you found yourself to be an inspirational speaker, then go out there and touch lives with the words God speaks through you. If you discovered that you are a comedian, then please go out there and make others laugh. There is no need to be judgemental because every gift counts. There are millions of souls out there in need of help and people, to touch them in various ways. It could be through music, so go ahead and write that song. It could be monetary, so why not be a philanthropist. It also could be food,so why not cook for the hungry and needy. Bless a soul out there with your gift.
Stay Blessed
Tasha Frost